AY 2019 Kyoto university training session for cryogen users

1 April 2019
All cryogen users,

Kyoto University will hold a safety training session based on the High Pressure Gas Safety Act detailed below. Attendance at the training session is mandatory for all Kyoto University faculty, staff, and students who use or are planning to use liquid nitrogen or liquid helium. Although attendance is not mandatory for users who purchase cryogens outside of the university, they are also welcome to attend the training session. The relevant faculty and staff members are requested to inform all undergraduate and graduate students in their laboratories about this training session.

We will also offer an online course, as we did last year. For further details, please see “About the Online Course,” below. Those who are eligible to do so are encouraged to take the online course rather than attending the training session, as this will reduce crowding at the training session venue. Those who take the online course do not have to attend the training session.

Attendees of the training session and those who take the online course will be registered as cryogen users in AY 2019 with us.

Those who cannot attend the training session on the date below are requested to attend the training session on another date, which is assigned to another faculty/department, including the one at a different campus.


Yoshida campus

1o session, mainly for cryogen users in the Faculty and Graduate School of Science

Date and time
Tuesday 23 April 2019, 16.30-18.00
Clock Tower Centennial Hall (500 seats) and International Conference Halls I-III (300 seats).

2o session, mainly for cryogen users in the graduate schools and faculties other than the Faculty and Graduate School of Science

Date and time
Thursday 9 May 2019, 16.30-18.00
Clock Tower Centennial Hall (500 seats) and International Conference Halls I-III (300 seats).

Katsura campus

Date and time
Wednesday 24 April 2019, 13.00-14.30
Funai Tetsuro Auditorium (500 seats) & Katsura Hall, B Cluster (200 seats)
  • Cryogen users in department of electrical engineering and electronic science and engineering should attend the training session at the Funai Tetsuro Auditorium.
  • Cryogen users who attended the training session last fall are requested not to attend the training session on this occasion.
  • The Funai Tetsuro Auditorium is only accessible via the front entrance on the first floor. You are requested to go upstairs to enter the venue. Please note that the entrance on the third floor will be locked.

Uji campus

Date and time
Monday 22 April 2019, 13.30-15.00
Kihada Hall, Uji Obaku Plaza (300 seats)
Attendees should bring their staff/student ID card for user registration and to register/update their user information in the LN2 supply system.

Attendance form

Training session attendees are requested to submit an attendance form. Please print out your attendance form through the online cryogen supply web application according to the procedure detailed below and bring it to the venue of the training session. The attendance form will be collected at the exit of the venue after the training session.
Note This procedure will be available after 1 April 2019.

  1. If your laboratory is not yet registered, please register your laboratory first. For instruction on how to do this, please refer to the Procedure before usage section (in Japanese) of the cryogen usage guide on our web site. After registering your laboratory, please register yourself as an individual user.
  2. If any of your registered information has changed, please update your information in the Account info > User info section of the online cryogen supply web application. You should log in.
  3. Cryogen users at Katsura Campus are required to enter their ID numbers as follows.
    • Students should enter their 10-digit ID number as it appears on the card with no alterations.
    • Staff members whose ID number does not end with “0” should change the last digit of their ID number to 0 and enter the revised number.
    • Users with other types of cards are asked to type the card number as it appears on the card with no alterations.
  4. Those who have updated their information are requested to access to the lecture section of our web application, log in with their individual account, then click Print an attendance card button. They should then print out the form and bring it to the training session.

English materials

Since our training course for cryogen users at Yoshida campus provides Japanese lecture, we plan to distribute English materials, which have English description along with copies of slides shown in the course. Materials are supplied from our web site prior to the training course. No material will be distributed for Uji and Katsura campus. In Uji campus, we make slides in both Japanese and English to help you to understand better.

Materials are now under construction. We will announce on our web site when they are ready.

Online course

We offer an online course for cryogen users on all campuses. The following people are permitted to take the online course instead of attending the training session:

Those who attended the training session for cryogen users in AY 2017 or 2018.
Those who attended the training session for cryogen users in AY 2018, however, B4, M1, and D1 students are required to attend the training session.

Cryogen users who are eligible to take the online course may also attend the training session. Those who have taken or are going to take the online course do not have to submit the attendance form.

To take the online course, access the “Lecture” section of our web application, log in with your individual account, then click the “Take the on-line lecture” button. The online course will be available from the end of April until May 31. We will inform you as soon as it becomes available.