5月11日 吉田地区寒剤供給業務臨時休業のお知らせ / LTM in Yoshida will be closed on 11 May.

吉田地区寒剤利用者の皆様 / Dear cryogen users in Yoshida campus,

既報のとおり、吉田地区液化棟の寒剤供給業務は5月1、2日の両日休業としていますが、 これに加えて5月11日木曜日も臨時休業日とさせて頂きます。これはLTMのサーバがある宇治地区での工事・引越に伴ない、LTM のすべてのサーバが停止する為です。急遽の休業日追加でユーザのみなさまには大変御迷惑をおかけします。心よりお詫び申 し上げます。


5月10日のヘリウムの配送は午前中のみですので、その日にヘリウムが必要な方は午前中のユーザ行き配送を御予約くだ さい。容器は前日までの便で液化棟に御送りください。5月11日にどうしても寒剤が必要な場合は予め御相談ください。



As previously announced, LTM in Yoshida campus will be closed on the 1st and 2nd May. Adding to it, we will stop our services on the 11th May too. We apologize for any inconvenience. This is because of moving of our staff and server room in Uji campus.

Closed :
From 12:00 (noon) Wednesday 10th May to the end of Thursday 11th May, 2023.
What will stop :
  • All of Our web services, including reservation of crogen supply, delivery, and so on,
  • Carrying in/out of liquid helium vessels in liquefier building,
  • Delivery of liquid helium.

On the 10th May, our delivery service will be available only before noon. If neeeded, please use the delivery in AM. Send your vessels until the 9th May to us.

On the 11th May, our liquefier building, where you obtain liquid nitrogen by yourselves, will be locked whole day, like on Sundays. Consult our previous announce.

You are also asked to finish the monthly helium report from 00:00 8th May until 12:00 10th May.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

本件についての問い合わせ先 / Contact